To get that dream job you wish for after graduation requires you to possess innovative and creative thinking skills to make you a good fit for the job. Therefore, you need to find ways to make your ideas stand out and be original. If you decide to buy phd thesis it can provide you with guidelines for developing creative thinking skills, but here are more accurate tips to improve your innovation and creative thinking skills.
- Creating your own “Three Ifs”
There is no particular format for innovation, and you need to develop your method depending on your area of specialty, way of thinking, and interests. To make creative thinking possible and innovation identifiable, you need the “Three ifs.” These are powerful questions that will make you think differently from other people. Using the formula, you will easily generate new ideas in mind. They are;
- What is likely to happen if I change something?
- What will I change about such an object or improve if I wished to use it in 10 years?
- What will I do if I have a $1,000,000 investment to prove my idea?
- Practicing dreaming
Creative thinking is not about IQ through the belief in the proverbial saying that the apple does not fall far away from the tree. Creative thinking is the art of training and harnessing your imagination regularly. It would help if you practiced using the power of observation and dreaming, both big and small. Dreaming is challenging as a result of the information overload and the urban life most of us lead. Your routine activities make you focused on particular tasks that creative ideas are limited. It is important to apply the “three ifs” in every task to develop the habit of having space in mind for dreaming and generating new ideas.
- Making time for creative thinking cohesively
There needs to be a clearly defined time that you set aside for developing your innovation and creative thinking skills. The difficulty in dreaming and the fact that you do not practice the art of focusing on cohesive ideas make it difficult to have fresh ideas whenever you want to be innovative. Setting aside a specific time to initiate creative thinking thoughts about a particular subject is important in getting smarter and attractive.
- Learning the art of pitching ideas
You need to learn how to express your new ideas to have the attention of the people you are addressing for them to be turned into a reality. The nature of the innovation you have thought about should be expressed in an understanding way for your audience to actualize it.
- Bouncing ideas off others
Any great innovator needs people to help them “bounce” their innovative ideas or innovations. Be around a capable team with an innovative skillset to make it easy to build your ideas.
No matter how small, you can improve any idea to become a significant idea that is profitable to an organization. With the right team members with the skillset of creative thinking and innovation, it is possible to build an empire from a tiny idea once you master the art of creative thinking and build on your innovative skills.