Science has shown that when we look and feel good about ourselves, we tend to be kinder and do nice things for others. The performance of these kind acts generates a feedback loop, where we feel even better about ourselves and do even more kind things! It is no exaggeration to say that by keeping ourselves fit and feeling good, we are quite literally making the world a better place.
Regular Exercise
Exercise makes us feel better, partially by generating endorphins that trigger happiness in the brain, and partially by shedding extra pounds and flushing toxins. Our bodies are machines, and keeping them in shape requires regular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is essential. Getting the heart rate up for 30 minutes a day is good for the heart and brain. Finally, a fit and trim body makes you look and feel younger. Clothes fit better, and you feel more attractive. This, in turn, fuels that old self-esteem that leads to the cycle of generosity.
Healthy Diet
Just as the machines that are our bodies need regular exercise, so fueling them with a healthy diet is an important part of your daily regimen. A “Mediterranean style” diet, rich with lean meats, fruits, nuts, and moderate carbs, is a great way to stay trim while still having all the energy you need to get through the day. A good diet will affect every aspect of your physical health, from your skin’s complexion to your overall strength and energy.
Repurposing Old Clothes
Secondhand clothing stores are a great place to upgrade your wardrobe while also limiting waste and reducing your carbon footprint. There are some secondhand stores that specialize in clothing only. These store owners spend their days perusing yard sales and thrift stores looking for one-of-a-kind garments that will make your outfit. Fashion is their passion. Their expertise and ability to sort and select styles will save you time and money versus buying retail.
Working With a Stylist
These days, everyone is shopping for everything online, and clothing is no exception. Websites detail fashions and accessories, and they offer advice on everything from grooming and matching to changing your wardrobe to reflect the seasons. Stitch Fix is a complete clothing website that offers a host of different features including photos, blogs, and a cool app called “Style Shuffle” that helps you put together outfits. One of the cooler things about Stitch Fix is that they work with professional stylists. Through the Stitch Fix website, you can find a stylist who understands your unique fashion sense.
The whole job of a stylist is to stay up to date on fashions and create looks for you that make you feel your best. Once the stylist understands your unique needs, they can save you a tremendous amount of time by doing the heavy lifting for you, putting together great outfits, and having you simply select the ones that fit the best. Stylists can also help you navigate the return process.
Working out and upgrading your wardrobe are two great ways to increase your self-esteem and confidence.