From finding the right place and time to study to having improved organization, the habits of successful students can help even less successful students achieve their academic goals, at least with a little practice. The most successful students tend to adhere to certain habits, which give them an upper hand in the classroom.
Fortunately, any student looking to improve his/her academic performance will find these success tips helpful. Various online resources, such as Write My Paper, also offer important information to help students perform better in the classroom and in their exams. Habits constitute as much as 95% of an individual’s personal behavioral traits. Therefore, your habits can determine your levels of success in both your personal and academic life.
Top 7 Habits of Successful Students
- They Make Plans and are Organized
Whether they are doing a school assignment or preparing for exams, successful students always have a plan to help them study in an effective and organized way. The plan also keeps them informed about their studying routine, which helps them stay on track and manage their schoolwork and assignments for the day, week, month, and even year in an organized and efficient manner.
It is a good idea, for example, to have extra highlighters, pens, pencils, and a different notebook for each subject. Furthermore, carrying around unnecessary things in your backpack is a sign of a disorganized student. Therefore, clean out your backpack frequently and keep your lockers clean and organized.
- They Actively Involve Themselves in Class
Successful students enjoy participating in class by asking questions, volunteering, and raising their hands to answer questions. In addition to helping them gain their teachers’ favor, participating also helps them retain more information and develop a positive mindset towards school and education in general. Even shy students can find ways to participate in class.
- They are not Perfectionists
Successful students understand what the learning process really means. It is a process, which means that no one expects them to achieve perfection on their first try. Unfortunately, many highly driven students tend to forget this fact. The habits of successful students include understanding when to ask for help, instead of stressing themselves. They understand that making mistakes is a normal part of learning.
- They Take Advantage of Additional Learning Resources
In addition to knowing when to ask for help, successful students also take extra-credit assignments, use supplementary study programs, and work with tutors to improve their understanding and performance.
- They have Healthy Sleeping Habits
It is common for many students, especially high achieving ones, to study late into the night and go to class in the morning feeling tired. Successful students, on the other hand, understand the importance of sufficient rest. They often complete their homework early in order to get a good night’s rest, which helps them be more alert in school.
- They Have a Quiet Study Space
One of the most important habits of successful students is that they have a quiet and peaceful study space. During their study time, they avoid all distractions such as TVs, cell phones, loud noise, and anything else that might prevent them from gaining the most out of their study sessions.
- They use Technology to their Advantage
Nowadays, students have access to amazing learning technology, such as the Internet, instructional videos, and learning apps. Successful students take advantage of these resources and wealth of information to improve and achieve their academic goals.
The difference of habits between students is one of the main reasons why some struggle to perform well even after studying hard while others always score great marks. It is important to understand that every student has the capability and potential to do well; however, a student’s habits make a huge difference. Your success in school will often come down to your habits, no matter how hard you study.