Ever since I was young I have looked around at my friends and family for inspiration, rather than looking to famous or highly successful people. One friend that I have always looked to as a guiding light for why I should live a healthier lifestyle, is my good friend George Ammar, a high succesful public accountant who was the founder of Ohio CFO LLC and a man who is one of the fittest and healthiest people that I know. I have relied upon my good friend George S. Ammar many times for inspiration and health tips, and although it isn’t his job, I’d say that he was the best personal trainer in Cleveland, Ohio. I flicked through my directory last week and pulled out his number, to give ask him what he considers to be the biggest benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and here is what he had to say.
Right away George began to talk to me about the correlation between being healthy and being happy, and it is hard to disagree with. If you are in the business of trying to find happiness then having a healthy lifestyle will most certainly boost your chances. The reasons for this are firstly that you will have more energy through the day which will put you in a better mood, and secondly that when you are eating healthy and exercising regularly, your body produces feel good chemicals that will make sure yo always have a smile on your face.
Without any note of irony, George states that healthy lifestyles are ultimately about your health. The significance behind this as George details is that so many people, both here in Cleveland, Ohio and beyond, will look to a healthy lifestyle to look good, whilst this is great attribute of a health lifestyle, the simple truth is that you are likely to live a longer life and a life which is less likely to have any form of illnesses or health complaints. George often likes to tell me that when he was in Japan, they were stunned at how many of us in the USA try to care for the outside of the body before they inside, whereas they do it the other way round, to ensure a long and happy life.
George talked to me about when he was 34 and injured, and he put on quite a lot of weight during that time as he couldn’t exercise. During that time George told me that he lost a lot of confidence in himself, both mentally and physically. The truth is that when you know that you are eating right, loving right and exercising right, it breeds a great amount of confidence from you which you can then use to your benefit in you life.
If you aren’t yet living a healthy lifestyle, why not start today and you can reap these wonderful benefits.